There is nothing better than getting the kids involved in your own business – (esp. recently when they have been a tad bored under lockdown). They are part of my team and a massive support.
With lockdown easing, we managed to shoot some videos for our fab summer collection. It’s amazing the creativity you get when forced to be resourceful! We weren’t going to be able to use professional models, but what we did have was my gorgeous eldest daughter Millie who stepped in and stepped up to the mark, for which I am so grateful.
How we got the look. Who doesn’t love broderie anglaise? Gorgeous @indiaamoon wore this dress the other day (it’s from Imogen Apparel) and thought it was perfect for the beach style we were all longing for. With it, we’ve layered up some of our lush range of coral and white toned bracelets, neckies and earrings.
Birthday girl! What’s more today is a very special day – it’s Millie’s birthday! Hope your day is as beautiful as you.